Britney Shears
Until recently, I was pretty indifferent to Britney Spears. Just another beautiful, young pop star, packaged for mass consumption and choreographed by marketing professionals. What sort of person would I be if I could form an opinion about that? Part of the masses? Or a miserable cynic? Well, I don't feel that I'm either and likewise I have had no opinion. But that was until recently when she shaved her head. Now I find myself strangely attracted to her. Not in the sense that she looks better bald. Natalie Portman certainly pulls it off better. But this really adds a new dimension to Britney - "a dimension not of sight and sound," but of crazy - the kind of crazy that makes you wonder anxiously what a person might do next. I have had a little past personal experience with this in my own love life and I hate to say it, but crazy is hot! I'm not sure what that says about me, but somehow I suspect I am not the only one out there wondering if the carpet matches the drapes. Actually, I hear there may be some photos out there on the internet and... I think I have some googling to do.
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