the semi-annual shuzzle fuzzle

eat your veggies, okay dorothy?

Location: California, United States

Friday, January 06, 2006

strippers deserve a national holiday

i think strippers are a great asset to any city. when you are feeling sad and lonely, they are always there, any night of the week including Christmas, to make you feel better. they won't nag you. they won't tell you you're lazy and selfish and ask you a lot of questions. they don't expect you to buy them a house or look after their kids. for a relatively small amount of money they will give you their undivided attention for the length of a song or two, which is really all that is needed most nights. for a few dollars more, anything is negotiable, but don't expect them to admit it - strippers are subject to much ridicule and scorn, often called by many nasty names like "whore" which dehumanize them. the religious right, as well as a number of their own clientele have always and will always look down at them, which is a terrible shame. strippers are truly altruistic, helping men to stay sane and not kill people every day. i can't tell you the number of lives that have been saved by the joy that strippers have brought to me. it is time that strippers no longer have to live in shame and fear. it is time that young girls who want to grow up to be strippers can proudly state their calling, and mothers and fathers should be proud of their daughters for wanting to bring joy to the world. i have a dream today...


Blogger fizzing hari said...

first of all, fook you 'joeycollins'.
second of all, i fully agree with this post.
my friends magdalena and uncle anus had a moment recently, when discussing strippers. maybe they had some drinks...and they came to the slurring realization that they admired strippers for the same reason. It was the line that stuck in my brain, "We're both men, yer gay, i'm straight, and we both love strippers!"
It was a moment of grace.

11:47 AM  

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