the semi-annual shuzzle fuzzle

eat your veggies, okay dorothy?

Location: California, United States

Thursday, December 29, 2005


so, all this talk about regifting got me thinking about how i had a stomach ache this one time (if you know me, you know what i mean) and my mother offered me some chewable antacids of a brand i had never heard of. i asked her where she got this and she replied that it was in the box with the other items retrieved from Grandma and Grandpa's medicine cabinet after they had both died. wasn't that in 1995? i turned the package over and found the expiration date - 1983. The antacids were soft and brown, but still smelled and tasted like mint. I looked through the box to see what other treasures i'd find. there was some world war one era foot powder, but other than that not much of an edible or psuedo-edible nature. my parents had thrown out my grandparents' cancer medications - darnit! i wonder what i'll find in my parents medicine cabinet when they pass on...? maybe something i can poison my kids with someday.


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